It just works


We harness expert medical knowledge, we innovate and then we push technology.

SensArm has full (2-way) access to the main hospital EHR and all lab results from which it builds anonymised A.I. models

SensArm can also suggest tests based on medications or lab results and can then order the tests automatically with the clinicians permission. Sentinel helps but never takes control.

Human clinicians are pretty good at what they do

They have an invaluable 6th sense and a wealth of experience

Humans always stay in charge.


Supervised Machine Learning

SensArm searches for patterns in vital signs that indicate conditions such as Sepsis and Pneumonia may be developing. It does this every 120 seconds 24x7.

SensArm learns from humans, it gets 'smarter' and adapts where ever it is used.

Our A.I. models are local - On the device and always available even when off-grid


SenArm takes world class healthcare to wherever it is needed.